Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Snacks!!

Hi everyone, hope all of you out there are doing well. I had my monthly meeting
with our local garden club today. I am serving as vice-president this year and this
was the second meeting. So far, I have learned zip about gardening but I keep
following everyone asking for the recipe for the covered dish or snack they brought!
One precious lady brought this and I had to share. We have the holidays sneaking up
on us and that means company. These are perfect to keep in a tupperware and eat
by themselves or any topping would work.


4 sleeves premium saltines (unsalted works best)
1 1/4 cup canola oil
2 tbsp. crushed red pepper flakes (Pizza peppers)
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1 pkg. dry ranch salad dressing mix

Stand all crackers on their edges (like papers in a file) in a large bowl or dutch oven. Have a second bowl of similar size ready. Mix all remaining ingredients in a small bowl to become dressing. Pour this mixture over the cracker. Let the dressing drain down and let set for 15 minutes. Transfer the crackers into the second bowl by hand. Reuse the same "dressing" over the crackers again. Let sit for 15 more minutes. Repeat this cycle 2 more times.
Remove crackers from any remaining liquid and store in an air tight container.

I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I did. Very savory on their own too!

I am leaving town tomorrow on a girls weekend! We are going to a flea market in Canton, TX.
We are staying in a really nice bed and breakfast and we hope to relax. I will take lots of pics
and show you my loot when I get back!

Have a very happy and safe weekend!!


  1. well these would be great while watching football this weekend...

    love ya,

  2. Oh Joan i am going to Canton the week of November. We planned October but something came up. I love that place.
