Hello, I am here to do my first blog entry. I am nervous. I have been inspired by a couple of
girls with food blogs that have some pretty good stuff to try and follow. I hope to learn from
these very talented girls! My very first recipe I would like to share with you guys because
it is special at this house. My best friend Priscilla and her husband Ron always share our
holidays. It is usually one or the other, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. There is eating over
here on either day, never fear. We do love a good meal. And this is when she will whip up her
Chocolate Pound cake with Fudge Frosting. We generally have it a bit warm and have some
Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream with it. Its not just this fantastic cake but the love
that she brings along with it. She doesn't have alot of family and I have very few and I
truly believe that somewhere up above these people all got together and said, "Wow! These
girls have the same hearts and will need each other forever". So here we are.
Recipe will be here tomorrow!!
oh precious!